KOOMINA (쿠미나) – Jini Lyrics
(Spoken 1)
Once upon a time in the Far East,
there was a girl named Hwang Jini.
She’s a low-born, but so captivating
Now she owns a million people’s
hearts and souls, the world is hers
Jini Jini Jini
(Verse 1)
Some are born with a silver spoon.
(And) some are born in the freezing barren valley.
Don’t, don’t care about all of this; be brave to
Be a champion of your fate, just like Jini–
(Spoken 2)
She believed in a man’s love for her,
Her Romeo couldn’t keep his words for her
Her dance fed on her pain and blossomed.
She learned from everything in nature and
People’s lives day to day
..,. Jini Jini Jini
…, she’ my star
…, Jini Jini Jini
…, she’s so bright.
…, Jini Jini Jini
…, she’s got courage.
…, Jini Jini Jini
…, she knows love.
(Verse 2)
Throw away any broken pledges
Don’t lean on any sugar-coated tongue
Don’t, don’t care about all of this; when it rains
You will bloom again and again, just like Jini—
Boy, girl, old, young, ..east, west,..white or black
I don’t care about all this, you’re my inspiration…
Why don’t we relax, and put on Jini’s air
Wave like the golden sands dancing to the wind.
(Chorus) + (Rap1.2)
Sing it together, …..
Once upon a time in the Far East,
there was a girl named Hwang Jini.
She’s a low-born, but so captivating
She believed in a man’s love for her,
Her Romeo couldn’t keep his words for her
Her dance fed on her pain and blossomed.
She learned from everything in the nature and
People’s lives day to day
Now she owns a million people’s
hearts and souls, the world is hers